Release of EvoluteTools T.MAP *beta*

December 14, 2014 at 12:50
filed under EvoluteTools, T.MAP

Hi everyone,

just in time for the holiday season, we are happy to present EvoluteTools T.MAP beta, a plugin providing mixed integer parametrization for Rhino.

– map textures with minimum distortion

– use quadrangular or triangular textures

– extract level set curves of parametrization, e.g. for remeshing using triangles or quads

– align parametrization with user-guided curves or principal curvature directions

To give you an idea of what it does here’s a few quick examples:

Input mesh / Quad pattern / Triangular pattern

Pattern (strongly) influenced by mesh curvature

Ease of use
EvoluteTools T.MAP consists of a single command with only a few simple options to give you access to powerful mixed integer parametrization without a steep learning curve. In fact, a basic parametrization can be achieved by a single click and within a few seconds time (provided your input mesh size is reasonably sized – otherwise it might take a little longer).

Currently the input must be a mesh, but this will soon be extended to surfaces and polysurfaces.

Licensing and support
EvoluteTools T.MAP is currently delivered free of charge as a public beta. It will be released commercially at a later stage, at which point beta evaluation licenses will cease.

We encourage you to download EvoluteTools T.MAP beta here and use it freely and without restrictions throughout our public beta phase. We rely on your feedback, feature requests, bug reports, and questions here in the forum to make T.MAP a great, stable and useful product – so don’t hold back with your thoughts.

EvoluteTools T.MAP beta download link

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